our mission & vision

Our mission, as Christians, is to love God, love others, and serve humanity.

We seek to encounter the living God through the saving grace of Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit; to live a transformed life of prayer, worship, study of God's Word, fellowship, and service.

our way

The word “congregational” refers to how we are governed. Our congregation operates democratically, and we do not answer to a central denominational authority.

We accept the Bible as our authority in matters of faith and practice. Therefore, we base our church government and our mission on the foundation of Scripture.

Congregationalism dates from the time of the Reformation, in particular the English Reformation. In England, Congregationalists were known as Independents.

our name

(pronounced as "o-nee-on-ta")

Oneonta is a Native American name, possibly meaning "gathering place," and originates from the city of Oneonta in New York State, the birthplace of Henry E. Huntington. 

As a railroad magnate, Huntington built and named the historic rail station in South Pasadena, "Oneonta Park Junction" -- which is the namesake for many local buildings, streets, and organizations over a century later.

oneonta creed & covenant


We believe in the wisdom and loving kindness of God, our Father,

In the saving grace of Jesus Christ, His Son, the true and living Way,

And in the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

We believe in the supremacy of love,

The victory of faith, and the life eternal.

We therefore covenant with this church as our church,

To love its members,

To sustain its worship,

And to seek its peace, unity, purity, and increase.

We covenant to share the great work of revealing God to all people

And uniting them in the Spirit of Christ --

And to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

Matthew 18:18-20

"I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. Where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." 

(New International Version)